mcq on fungi

MCQ on Fungi

Fungi are a diverse group of organisms, including molds, yeasts, and mushrooms, that lack chlorophyll and obtain nutrients through absorbing organic matter. They play crucial roles in ecosystems as decomposers, symbiotic partners, and sources of medicine and food. This an MCQ on Fungi. Botany Notes  |  Botany PPTs  |  Botany […]

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mcq on bryophytes

MCQ on Bryophytes

Bryophytes are non-vascular plants including mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. They lack true roots, stems, or leaves and typically thrive in moist environments. These ancient plants play vital ecological roles as soil stabilizers and indicators of environmental health. This is an MCQ on Bryophytes and its life cycle. Botany Notes  |  […]

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mcq on angiosperms

MCQ on Angiosperms

Angiosperms are flowering plants, encompassing a vast group of plants with enclosed seeds within ovaries (fruits). They dominate terrestrial ecosystems, exhibiting diverse forms and reproductive strategies, and play crucial roles in global ecology as primary food sources and providers of oxygen. This is an MCQ on Angiosperms. Botany Notes  |  […]

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mcq on plant embryology

MCQ on Plant Embryology

Embryology is the study of embryos’ development from fertilization to birth, encompassing cellular changes, tissue differentiation, and organ formation. It explores the intricate processes shaping an organism’s growth and morphological evolution before it emerges as a complete individual. This an MCQ on Plant Embryology. Botany Notes  |  Botany PPTs  |  […]

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mcq on algae

MCQ on Algae (Phycology)

Algae are diverse, photosynthetic organisms found in water bodies. Ranging from microscopic to large seaweeds, they produce oxygen, serve as food for various aquatic life, and hold ecological importance due to their role in nutrient cycling. This an MCQ on Algae. Botany Notes  |  Botany PPTs  |  Botany MCQs <<< […]

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