Difference between Gymnosperm and Angiosperm

Classification of Gymnosperms by Sporne

There are many systems of classifications for Gymnosperms in the literature. In the previous post, we discussed the Chamberlain’s System of Classification of Gymnosperms. In this post, we discuss the Sporne’s System of Classification of Gymnosperms (1965). We will also discuss the characteristics of different Classes and Orders in the […]

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Botany lecture notes

Gamma Gardens for Mutation Breeding and Crop Improvement

Gamma garden or Atomic garden is a concept popularized after the Word War 2 for the peaceful use of atomic energy (atoms for peace) for the crop improvement. They are a type of induced mutation breeding where radioactive sources particularly gamma rays from cobalt -60 or Caesium-137 are used to […]

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what is mutation breeding

Mutation Breeding Technique in Plant Breeding

Mutation breeding is a type of plant breeding technique that involves exposing plants to radiation or chemicals in order to induce mutations in their genetic material. This process can create new genetic variations that can potentially result in desirable traits such as improved yield, disease resistance, and enhanced nutritional value. […]

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