Genetic recombination mechanisms in bacteria

Mechanisms of Genetic Recombination in Bacteria and its Significance

Genetic recombination is a fundamental process in the world of microbiology, playing a pivotal role in bacterial evolution and adaptation. Bacteria, despite their simple unicellular structure, possess remarkable genetic diversity and adaptability. This is primarily due to their ability to engage in genetic recombination. This process allows bacteria to acquire […]

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nipah virus structure

Structure of Nipah Virus

Nipah virus (NiV) is a zoonotic pathogen that has caused outbreaks in several Asian countries. Nipah belongs to the genus Henipavirus. The virus was named after the Malaysian village where it was first identified in 1999. With its high mortality rate and potential for human-to-human transmission, Nipah virus poses a […]

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what are the symptoms of nipah virus

Nipah Virus Transmission, Symptoms, Diagnostics and Treatment

Nipah Virus: An Emerging Threat to Global Health: Nipah virus (NiV) is a zoonotic pathogen that has caused outbreaks in several Asian countries primarily in Bangladesh, Malaysia, India, and Singapore. Nipah virus belongs to the genus Henipavirus. The virus was named after the Malaysian village where it was first identified […]

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Difference between Bacterial and Fungal Cell Wall

Cell walls are rigid structures surrounding plant, fungal, and bacterial cells, providing support, protection, and regulating cell shape and osmotic pressure. The chemical structure and organization of cell wall in different groups varies considerably. The bacterial cell wall is a protective outer layer made of peptidoglycan, providing structural support. It […]

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MCQ on Microbes in Nitrogen Cycle

MCQ on Role of Microbes in the Nitrogen Cycle

MCQ on Microbes in Nitrogen Cycle: In the nitrogen cycle, essential for ecosystem health, microbes such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria, nitrifying bacteria, and denitrifying bacteria play pivotal roles. Nitrogen-fixers convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, while others convert ammonia into nitrates and nitrites, shaping nutrient availability in ecosystems. Microbiology Notes  |  Microbiology […]

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