MCQ on Environmental Science

Environmental science is an interdisciplinary field that studies the physical, chemical, and biological processes that shape the environment. It examines the impact of human activities on ecosystems, analyzes environmental problems, and develops solutions to promote sustainable practices. Environmental science incorporates elements of biology, chemistry, physics, geology, and social sciences to address environmental issues. This MCQ on Environmental Science heighlights the concept of Ecosystem and Environmental Biology.

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(1). In ecology, the term ‘biocenosis” specifically explains:
a.       Ecological study of communities
b.      Ecological study of individual species
c.       A group of organism inhabiting a particular area
d.      A group of many species of plants and animals living together in a natural area

(2). The aquatic animals in the polar region survive even in freezing temperature. This can be explained by:
a.       The very thick layer of fat deposition in their skin
b.      By migrating to temperate region during cold times
c.       Due to the high density of water at 4oC
d.      Due to the neutral pH of the soil at very cold condition

(3). Which among the following is the most abundant molecule in the atmosphere?
a.       CO2
b.      Argon
c.       Methane
d.      Water vapour

(4). Which of the following explain thermal stratification?
a.       Non viability of seeds at higher temperature
b.      Adjustment of body temperature according to the temperature of surroundings
c.       Layers of water in a pond with different temperature
d.      Cycling events in the ocean due to lunar cycle

(5). Which of the following temperature range is known as epilimnion?
a.       8 – 20
b.      21 – 22
c.       5 – 9
d.      9 – 24

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6. In an ecological interaction, the amensalism can be represented as
a.       +   –
b.      –   +
c.       +  0
d.      –   0

7. Which of the following statement explains standing crop and standing quality?
a.       Total organic matter and total inorganic matter respectively in an ecosystem
b.      Total crop cultivated and total crop harvested respectively in an area
c.       Biomass of plants and biomass of animals respectively in an ecosystem
d.      Biomass of dead matter and biomass of decomposers respectively in an ecosystem

8. Identify the incorrect pair:
a.       Nitrifying bacteria : Nitrosomonas
b.      Denitrifying bacteria : Nitrobacter
c.       Free nitrogen fixing bacteria : cyanobacteria
d.      Ammonification : Rhizobia

9. Which of the following statement is not correct?
a.       Pyramid of number can never be inverted
b.      Pyramid of energy can ever be inverted
c.       Pyramid of number in a parasitic food chain will be inverted
d.      Pyramid of biomass may be inverted or upright

10.  “The extremities of animals are relatively shorter in the cooler parts of a species’ range than in the warmer parts.” This is known as:
a.       Bergmann’s rule
b.      Allen’s rule
c.       Gloger’s rule
d.      Rensch’ rule

11.  Maximum biodiversity can be seen in:
a.       Tropical rain forest
b.      Temperate forest
c.       Savanna
d.      Alpine forest

12.  Which among the following are more likely to possess maximum amount of pesticides in their body?
a.       Grasshopper
b.      Rabbit
c.       Lion
d.      Snake

13.  The most important adaptation of mangrove plants is:
a.       Vivipary
b.      Thick cuticle
c.       Thick bark
d.      Thick leaves

14.  Which of the following specify the decomposed organic matter in the soil?
a.       Litter
b.      Humus
c.       Loam
d.      Dirt

15.  Which of the following statement best describe a climax community?
a.       More stable and more diverse
b.      More stable and less diverse
c.       Less stable and more diverse
d.      Less stable and less diverse

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Answer Key

1. Ans. (d). A group of many species of plants and animals living together in a natural area

2. Ans. (c). Due to the high density of water at 4oC

3. Ans. (b). Argon

4. Ans. (c). Layers of water in a pond with different temperature

5. Ans. (b). 21 – 22

6. Ans. (d). – 0

7. Ans. (a). Total organic matter and total inorganic matter respectively in an ecosystem

8. Ans. (b). Denitrifying bacteria: Nitrobacter

9.  Ans. (a). Pyramid of number can never be inverted

10. Ans. (b). Allen’s rule

11. Ans. (a). Tropical rain forest

Learn more: Whey Biodiversity is more in Tropics?
Learn more: Biodiversity Classification
Learn more: Major Threats to Biodiversity

12. Ans. (c). Lion

13. Ans. (a). Vivipary

14. Ans. (b). Humus

15. Ans. (a). More stable and more diverse

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