mcq on endosperm

MCQ on Endosperm Structure and Functions

Endosperm is a nutrient-rich tissue formed during plant seed development, providing nourishment to the embryo. It stores starch, proteins, and oils, aiding in early seedling growth. In many plant species, it serves as a crucial food reserve for germination and initial growth. This is an MCQ on Endosperm Structure and […]

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mcq on double fertilization

MCQ on Double Fertilization

Double fertilization is a unique process in flowering plants where two sperm cells fertilize distinct female gametes. One sperm fertilizes an egg to form a zygote, while the other combines with polar nuclei to create endosperm, providing nourishment for the developing embryo. This is an MCQ on Double Fertilization and […]

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mcq on plant embryology

MCQ on Plant Embryology

Embryology is the study of embryos’ development from fertilization to birth, encompassing cellular changes, tissue differentiation, and organ formation. It explores the intricate processes shaping an organism’s growth and morphological evolution before it emerges as a complete individual. This an MCQ on Plant Embryology. Botany Notes  |  Botany PPTs  |  […]

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