mcq on lps

MCQ on Lipopolysaccharides (LPS)

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a vital component of gram-negative bacterial outer membranes. Comprising lipid A, O-antigen, and core polysaccharide, LPS influences bacterial integrity, immune responses, and pathogenicity. Its structural variations contribute to diverse functions, making it a key biomolecule in host-microbe interactions. This is an MCQ on Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) Structure and […]

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mcq on domains and motifs

MCQ on Protein Domains and Motifs

A protein domain is a distinct structural and functional unit within a protein. A motif is a conserved sequence pattern or structural element within a domain. Both contribute to protein function, stability, and interactions in diverse biological processes. This is an MCQ on Domains and Motifs of Proteins |  Biochemistry […]

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mcq on beta plates

MCQ on Beta Conformation of Proteins

The beta conformation in proteins involves a linear arrangement of amino acid residues, forming either parallel or antiparallel strands connected by hydrogen bonds. This secondary structure contributes to the protein’s stability and plays a crucial role in its overall three-dimensional architecture and function. This an MCQ on Beta Conformation of […]

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mcq on alpha helix

MCQ on Alpha Helix Structure of Protein

The alpha helix is a common secondary structure in proteins, where a polypeptide chain forms a helical structure stabilized by hydrogen bonds between its amino acid residues. This compact, coiled shape contributes to the protein’s overall three-dimensional structure and functionality. This is an MCQ on Alpha Helix of Proteins. |  […]

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mcq on glycolipids

MCQ on Glycolipids: Structure and Functions

Glycolipids are molecules composed of a lipid and a carbohydrate portion. Found in cell membranes, they contribute to structural integrity and cell signaling. Their diverse functions include cell recognition, adhesion, and modulation of immune responses, playing vital roles in cellular communication and interactions. This is an MCQ on Glycolipids Structure […]

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