cladistics notes

Cladistics: Principles and Applications

What is Cladistics? Cladistics is a widely used method in the field of biology for deducing the evolutionary history and relationships among species. This article explores the principles, methods, applications, and significance of cladistics in understanding the complex web of life on Earth with a focus on its historical development, […]

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nipah virus structure

Structure of Nipah Virus

Nipah virus (NiV) is a zoonotic pathogen that has caused outbreaks in several Asian countries. Nipah belongs to the genus Henipavirus. The virus was named after the Malaysian village where it was first identified in 1999. With its high mortality rate and potential for human-to-human transmission, Nipah virus poses a […]

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what are the symptoms of nipah virus

Nipah Virus Transmission, Symptoms, Diagnostics and Treatment

Nipah Virus: An Emerging Threat to Global Health: Nipah virus (NiV) is a zoonotic pathogen that has caused outbreaks in several Asian countries primarily in Bangladesh, Malaysia, India, and Singapore. Nipah virus belongs to the genus Henipavirus. The virus was named after the Malaysian village where it was first identified […]

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MCQ on Molecular Basis of Inheritance

MCQ on Molecular Basis of Inheritance

The molecular basis of inheritance refers to the process by which genetic information is stored, replicated, and transmitted from one generation to the next through the structure and function of DNA and RNA molecules. This MCQ on Molecular Basis of Inheritance will help you to understand the concept clearly. Molecular […]

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MCQ on lac and trp operon

MCQ on lac and trp Operon

The lac operon and trp operon are genetic regulatory systems in prokaryotes. The lac operon controls the expression of genes responsible for lactose metabolism, allowing bacteria to use lactose as a carbon source. The trp operon regulates genes involved in tryptophan synthesis, ensuring its production when tryptophan is scarce. This […]

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