GM Counter vs Proportional Counter

Difference between GM Counter and Proportional Counter

Proportional Counter vs GM Counter Proportional counter and GM counters are devices to detect and quantify radiations. The proportional counter is able to detect the energy of incident radiation and produce an output proportional to the intensity of the radiation. A GM counter detects ionizing radiation such as alpha particles, […]

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GM Counter vs Scintillation Counter

Difference between GM Counter and Scintillation Counter

GM Counter vs Scintillation Counter Geiger–MĂĽller or GM Counter and Scintillation Counter are two commonly used devices to detect and quantify the radiation. The GM counter can detect all kinds of radiations such as alpha, beta and gamma rays, whereas the scintillation counter can detect only ionizing radiations. There are […]

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microspores vs megaspores

Difference between Microspores and Megaspores

Microspores vs Megaspores Microspores and megaspores are sexual spores produced by vascular plants (some Pteridophytes and all Gymnosperms and Angiosperms) for sexual reproduction. Both microspores and megaspores on germination produce the respective gametophytic generations. The gametophytes on maturation produce sex organs and gametes to establish the fertilization and thus to […]

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