mcq on carbohydrates

MCQ on Carbohydrates Structure and Functions

Carbohydrates are organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, typically in a 1:2:1 ratio. They serve as a primary source of energy for living organisms and include sugars, starches, and fibers found in foods like fruits, grains, and vegetables. This is an MCQ on Carbohydrates Structure and Functions. |  […]

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MCQ on Secondary Metabolites

MCQ on Secondary Metabolites in Plants

MCQ on Secondary Metabolites in Plants: Secondary metabolites are organic compounds not directly involved in growth or development but crucial for ecological interactions and adaptation. They include various phytochemicals like alkaloids, flavonoids, and terpenoids. These compounds serve functions such as defence against herbivores, attraction of pollinators, and responses to environmental […]

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MCQ on Phloem Transport in Plants

MCQ on Phloem Transport in Plants

MCQ on Phloem Transport in Plants: Phloem transport in plants occurs through a process called translocation. Sugars, mainly sucrose, produced in photosynthetic source tissues are actively loaded into the phloem. This creates a pressure gradient, causing sugars to flow through sieve tubes to sink tissues, where they are utilized or […]

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MCQ on Cell Signalling in Plants

MCQ on Cell Signalling in Plants

MCQ on Cell Signalling in Plants: In plants, cell signalling occurs through various mechanisms, including phytohormones like auxins, cytokinins, and gibberellins. These molecules regulate growth, development, and responses to environmental cues by binding to receptors and initiating intracellular pathways, ensuring coordinated physiological processes. Molecular Biology Notes  |  Molecular Biology PPTs  […]

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MCQ on Cellulose Synthesis

MCQ on Cellulose Biosynthesis in Plants

MCQ on Cellulose Synthesis in Plants: Cellulose is a carbohydrate (polysaccharide) composed of glucose molecules, serving as a structural component in plant cell walls. Cellulose biosynthesis in plants primarily occurs in the plasma membrane, where cellulose synthase enzymes (CESA) assemble glucose molecules into cellulose chains. These chains then form microfibrils, […]

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