Phase Contrast Microscopy MCQ

MCQ on Phase Contrast Microscope and its Applications

A phase-contrast microscope is an optical instrument used in microscopy to enhance the contrast of transparent and translucent specimens, such as living cells, that are difficult to visualize using traditional bright-field microscopy. It accomplishes this by exploiting the differences in phase between light waves passing through different parts of the […]

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Dehydration and Clearing in Histopathology

In histology and histopathology, dehydration is a crucial step in the preparation of tissue specimens for microscopic examination. Dehydration is the process of removing water from the tissue by using a series of graded alcohols before embedding it in a medium that can be sliced thinly for microscopic examination. The […]

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Phase Contrast vs DIC Microscopy

Difference between Phase Contrast Microscopy and Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy

Phase Contrast vs DIC Phase Contrast and Differential Contrast Microscopes Phase contrast microscopy and Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) microscopy are two advanced optical light microscopy techniques to produce high contrast images of unstained and living cells. Both the microscopes utilize various contrast enhancing techniques to produce high contrast images. Phase […]

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