mcq on metagenomics

MCQ on Metagenomics – Concept and Applications

Metagenomics is the study of genetic material recovered directly from environmental samples, without isolating and cultivating individual organisms. It explores the collective genomic content of microbial communities, shedding light on the diversity, function, and interactions of microorganisms in various ecosystems, including the human microbiome. This is an MCQ on Metagenomics […]

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mcq on genomics

MCQ on Genomics – Concept and Applications

Genomics is the field of science focused on the comprehensive study of an organism’s entire set of genes (genome). It involves analyzing DNA sequences to understand genetic variations, functions, and relationships between genes. Genomics plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of genetics, evolution, and disease. This an MCQ […]

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MCQ on Epigenomics

MCQ on Epigenomics – Concept and Applications

Epigenomics is the study of epigenetic modifications, heritable changes in gene expression that do not involve alterations to the underlying DNA sequence. It investigates how environmental factors influence gene activity and impact health and disease outcomes. This is an MCQ on Epigenomics – Concept and Applications. Bioinformatics Notes  |  Bioinformatics […]

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