Botany lecture notes

Classification of Gymnosperms by Chamberlain PPT

Classification of Gymnosperms by Chamberlain: Classification of Gymnosperms, Outline of the history of Classification of Gymnosperms, Chamberlain System of Classification of Gymnosperms, Class Cycadophyt and Coniferophyt, Order Cycadofilicales (Pteridospermales) Cycdeoidales (Bennettitles) and Cycdales, Order Cordaitales, Ginkgoales, Coniferales and Gnetales. Learn more: Note on Classification of Gymnosperms The preview of the […]

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Classification of Gymnosperms

Classification of Gymnosperms by Chamberlain (1934)

There are many systems for the classification of Gymnosperms in the literature. Robert Brown (1827) for the first time recognized Gymnosperms as a separate group of plants. Bentham and Hooker (1883) placed Gymnosperms between Dicots and Monocots in their classification (General Plantarum). The present acticle discusses the Gymnosperm Classification Proposed […]

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Difference between Flower Shoot and Vegetative Shoot

Difference between Flower and Vegetative Shoot

Flower vs Vegetative Branch The flower is the reproductive structure formed in the plant group Angiosperms or Magnoliophyta, commonly called as the ‘Flowering Plants’. The flower is a ‘modified branch’ or axis developed from a ‘determinate’ apical meristem. The term ‘determinate’ indicates the absence of further growth of the apical […]

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