characteristics of lake ecosystem

Difference between Oligotrophic and Eutrophic Lake

Oligotrophic vs Eutrophic Lakes Lake Ecosystem is an example for a lentic ecosystem. An aquatic ecosystem with stationary or relatively still water is called lentic ecosystem. Based on the trophic state* and productivity, the lake ecosystem is divided into three categories. (1). Oligotrophic lakes (2). Eutrophic lakes (3). Mesotrophic lakes […]

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difference between artery and vein

Artery vs Vein: Similarities and Differences (A Comparison Table)

Difference between Arteries and Veins: The circulatory system in an organism ensures the transport of oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide and hormone throughout the body. The blood circulatory system in an animal is facilitated by the heart (the blood pumping organ) and blood vessels (closed pipelines which carry out the circulation […]

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mcq on history of microbiology

MCQ on History of Microbiology

(1). Who discovered Mycobacterium tuberculosis? a.       Koch b.      Jenner c.       Pasteur d.      Virchow (2). Mycobacterium lepree was discovered by: a.       Pasteur b.      Jenner c.       Koch d.      Hansen (3). Antibodies were discovered by: a.       Edelman b.      Porter c.       Edelman and Porter d.      Edelman and Hess (4). Streptococcus pneumonia was discovered by: […]

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