ICMR JRF Entrance Exam: 2015: Life Sciences: Notification

ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) in collaboration with PGIMER, Chandigarh will conduct a national level examination for the award of JRF (Junior Research Fellowship) in Life Sciences/Social Sciences stream on Sunday, July 19 2015 (19/07/2015) at 12 selected centers all over India (Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Srinagar, Bengaluru and Varanasi).

A total of 150 Fellowships would be awarded among which 120 Fellowships would be awarded for work in the field of bio-medical sciences with emphasis on Life Sciences (microbiology, physiology, molecular biology, genetics, human biology, bioinformatics, biotechnology, biochemistry, biophysics, immunology, Pharmacology, zoology, Environment Science, botany, veterinary sciences, bio-informatics etc.). Thirty Fellowships would be awarded for work with emphasis on Social sciences like psychology, sociology, home science, statistics, anthropology, social work and Health Economics.

Another 100 candidates will be selected for consideration for positions of JRF under various research schemes of ICMR for the duration of that scheme. These JRFs would also be permitted to complete Ph.D. while working in the scheme, if enrolled.  The validity of result will be two years for placement in ICMR funded projects.

Information bulletin/brochure, online application form and other details will be available at PGIMER website (http://pgimer.edu.in) and at ICMR website (www.icmr.nic.in). Candidates wish to apply should visit the website w.e.f. 13/04/2015. The last date for filling of online application is 12/05/2015. Only online application will be accepted. No other mode of submission of application will be accepted.

Dates to remember:

Online application submission: 13/04/2015 onwards

Last date of online application: 12/05/2015

Date of Examination: 19/07/2015

Click here for Revised JRF and SRF Fellowship rates:

Model question paper and Mock Tests

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