Phase Contrast Microscopy MCQ

MCQ on Phase Contrast Microscope and its Applications

A phase-contrast microscope is an optical instrument used in microscopy to enhance the contrast of transparent and translucent specimens, such as living cells, that are difficult to visualize using traditional bright-field microscopy. It accomplishes this by exploiting the differences in phase between light waves passing through different parts of the […]

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Dehydration and Clearing in Histopathology

In histology and histopathology, dehydration is a crucial step in the preparation of tissue specimens for microscopic examination. Dehydration is the process of removing water from the tissue by using a series of graded alcohols before embedding it in a medium that can be sliced thinly for microscopic examination. The […]

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Killing and Fixation (Fixatives in Histopathology)

Learning objectives: General account of Killing and Fixing of Plant Specimens for Anatomical and Histological Studies; Agents used for killing and fixation – Alcohol, Formalin, Acetic Acid; Common fixatives: Formalin – Acetic – Alcohol (FAA) mixture; Carnoy’s fluid; Farmer’s Fluid; Chromic acid – Acetic acid – Formation (CRAF), Fixatives in […]

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