Micronutrients vs macronutrients

Difference between Micronutrients and Macronutrients – Comparison Table

Micronutrients vs Macronutrients Difference between Micronutrients and Macronutrients: Nutrients are chemical substances required for the proper growth and functioning of all living organisms including plants and animals. The nutrients are also called essential elements because, in the absence of these chemicals, plants and animals cannot complete their life cycle. Important […]

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Intercropping vs Mixed Farming

Difference between Intercropping and Mixed Cropping

Mixed cropping and Intercropping are two methods of diversified farming techniques where more than one types of crops are grown in the same unit area. In mixed cropping or mixed farming, two independent crops are mixed together and grown in an area, whereas the intercropping is a multiple cropping techniques […]

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microspores vs megaspores

Difference between Microspores and Megaspores

Microspores vs Megaspores Microspores and megaspores are sexual spores produced by vascular plants (some Pteridophytes and all Gymnosperms and Angiosperms) for sexual reproduction. Both microspores and megaspores on germination produce the respective gametophytic generations. The gametophytes on maturation produce sex organs and gametes to establish the fertilization and thus to […]

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Significance of Heterospory

Heterospory and Seed Habit in Pteridophytes

Heterospory is the production of two or more types of spores. It is a condition of the production of more than one types (usually two) of spores in a single plant. These two types of spore differ in their formation, structure and most importantly its functions and sexuality. In Pteridophytes, these […]

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