Classification of Arthropoda with Identification Characters for Each Sub-Phylum and Class

How Arthropods further classified

Arthropods are classified into five sub-phylum and each then subdivide into classes (a total of 16 classes according to recent classification of animal taxa). Classification of Arthropods I.   Sub-phylum: Trilobitomorpha (extinct arthropods) Class 1: Trilobita II.   Sub-phylum: Chelicerata (spiders, horseshoe crabs) Class 1: Arachnida Class 2: Merostomata Class 3: Pycnogonida III.  Sub-phylum: Myriapoda (centipedes, millipedes) … Read more

Phylum Arthropoda Characteristics

Zoology lecture notes and study materials

Arthropoda is a largest Phylum of Kingdom Animalia, includes about 80% of all known animal species in the biosphere including terrestrial and aquatic biomes. The phylum includes insects, crustaceous, centipedes, millipedes, spiders etc. The word Arthropoda is derived from two Greek words, ‘arthro’ = joint and ‘podo’ = foot. Phylum Arthropoda is characterized by: @. … Read more

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