Gene Mapping Questions and Answers

MCQ on Gene Mapping

Gene mapping is the process of identifying and locating genes on a chromosome. It involves determining the relative positions of genes and their distances from each other. Techniques like linkage analysis or physical mapping aid in understanding genetic traits’ locations and relationships. This is an MCQ on Gene Mapping and […]

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MCQ on Crossing Over

MCQ on Linkage and Crossing Over

Crossing over is a genetic process during meiosis where homologous chromosomes exchange segments of DNA. This exchange results in genetic variation among offspring by creating new combinations of genes, enhancing diversity, and contributing to evolution’s mechanism. This is an MCQ on Linkage and Crossing Over – Mechanism and its Significance […]

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sexual vs asexual reproduction

Difference between Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

Reproduction is a biological process by which new individuals (progenies) are formed from their parents. There are two types of reproductions in organisms: sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. The present post summarizes the similarites and difference between Sexual and Asexual Reproduction in Plants with a comparison table Asexual reproduction A […]

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