MCQ on Protein Function

MCQ on Protein Function

MCQ on Protein Function: Proteins serve diverse roles in living organisms, including enzymatic catalysis, structural support, transport of molecules, immune defense, and cell signaling. They contribute to the regulation of gene expression, muscle contraction, and overall cellular function, essential for life processes. Biochemistry Notes  |  Biochemistry PPTs  |  Biochemistry MCQs […]

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mcq on functions of enzymes

MCQ on Functions of Enzymes

Enzymes are biological catalysts that accelerate chemical reactions in living organisms. They facilitate processes such as metabolism, DNA replication, and digestion by lowering activation energy. Highly specific, enzymes play crucial roles in maintaining cellular functions and enabling life-sustaining biochemical reactions. This is an MCQ on Functions of Enzymes. Biochemistry Notes  […]

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mcq on peptide bond

MCQ on Peptide Bond: Characteristics and Structure

A peptide bond is a covalent linkage between the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of another. Formed during protein synthesis through dehydration synthesis, it creates a polypeptide chain, crucial for the structure and function of proteins in living organisms. This is an MCQ on Peptide […]

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mcq on proteoglycans

MCQ on Proteoglycans

Proteoglycans are macromolecules composed of a core protein linked to long chains of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Abundant in extracellular matrices, they provide structural support, regulate cell behavior, and contribute to tissue resilience. The negatively charged GAGs confer unique properties to proteoglycans, influencing their biological functions. This is an MCQ on Proteoglycans […]

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mcq on essential amino acids

MCQ on Essential Amino Acids

Essential amino acids are crucial nutrients the body can’t produce, requiring intake through food. There are nine essential amino acids vital for protein synthesis and various bodily functions. They play key roles in muscle repair, immune function, and overall health, sourced primarily from dietary sources. This is an MCQ on […]

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