Difference between Sieve Tubes and Sieve Cells

sieve cells and sieve tubes differences

Phloem is a permanent vascular tissue system associated with the conduction of food materials in plants. It is a complex tissue composed of more than one type of cells namely sieve elements, companion cells, phloem fibres and phloem parenchyma. Among these cells, the sieve elements are the most specialized cells in the phloem performing the … Read more

Phloem Protein: Structure, Classifications and Functions

forisomes definition

P Proteins (Phloem Proteins) are a category of proteins found in the sap of the sieve tubes of the phloem of Angiospermic plants. P-proteins were also as called ‘slime bodies’ of ‘slime’ in the old literature. P proteins are usually found in the phloem of dicot plants. P Protein Characteristics of P Protein Ø  P … Read more

Phloem: Structure, Components and Classification

cell types in phloem

Phloem is a complex tissue system in plants. It is the food conducting tissue of vascular plants. Together with xylem, they form the vascular tissue system. The phloem composed of several types of cells among which some are living cells and some are dead. The term ‘phloem’ was introduced Nageli (1853) from a Greek word … Read more

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