Difference between Stomata and Hydathodes

Difference between Stomata and Hydathode

Stomata and Hydathodes are specialized pores present in the aerial parts of plants associated with the release of water from the plant body to the surrounding environment. Stomata: They are specialized pores present on the surface aerial plant parts especially on the lower epidermis of leaf, which facilitate Gaseous exchange and Transpiration. The stomatal pores … Read more

Difference between Sieve Tubes and Sieve Cells

sieve cells and sieve tubes differences

Phloem is a permanent vascular tissue system associated with the conduction of food materials in plants. It is a complex tissue composed of more than one type of cells namely sieve elements, companion cells, phloem fibres and phloem parenchyma. Among these cells, the sieve elements are the most specialized cells in the phloem performing the … Read more

Difference between Parenchyma and Collenchyma

collenchyma vs parenchyma

Parenchyma vs Collenchyma Parenchyma and Collenchyma are the Simple tissue System in Plants. The present post describes the similarities and differences between Parenchyma and Collenchyma Similarities between Parenchyma and Collenchyma Ø  Both parenchyma and collenchyma are simple permanent tissues in the plants. Ø  Both are differentiated cells. Ø  Both are living cells with primary cell … Read more

Difference between Protophloem and Metaphloem: A Comparison Table

protophloem vs metaphloem

Protophloem vs Metaphloem
Similarities and Difference between Protophloem and Metaphloem

Vascular bundles (fascicles) are the component of the stelar system in higher plants and their main function is the conduction of water, minerals and food materials. Typically, a vascular bundle composed of xylem and phloem arranged together as bundles. In a young stem, both in dicots and monocots, Phloem, the food conducting tissue of vascular bundles, are differentiated into PROTOPHLOEM and METAPHLOEM based on the structural and functional modifications of their elements.

The present post describes the similarities and difference between Protophloem and Metaphloem in a primary vascular bundle of a young stem.

Similarities between Protophloem and Metaphloem

Ø  Both protophloem and metaphloem can conduct food materials.
Ø  Both are complex tissues, composed of many types of cells.
Ø  Both components contain living and dead cells.
Ø  Both are developed from the primary meristem, the pro-cambium.
Ø  Protophloem and metaphloem develop only in primary vascular bundles.

Difference between Protophloem and Metaphloem

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Difference between Vessels and Tracheids

vessels vs tracheids

Vessels and tracheids are the components of xylem, the water and minerals conducting tissue in plants. Vessels and tracheids are jointly known as the tracheary elements of the xylem. Even though, both vessels and tracheids show functional similarities, they do possess some striking differences. The present post describes the similarities and difference between vessel and … Read more

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