forisomes definition

Phloem Protein: Structure, Classifications and Functions

P Proteins (Phloem Proteins) are a category of proteins found in the sap of the sieve tubes of the phloem of Angiospermic plants. P-proteins were also as called ‘slime bodies’ of ‘slime’ in the old literature. P proteins are usually found in the phloem of dicot plants. P Protein Characteristics […]

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cell types in xylem

Xylem: Structure, Parts and Classification

The tissue associated with conduction of water, minerals and food materials in plants are called vascular tissue. Plants with a well-developed conductive system are thus called as ‘vascular plants’. Vascular plants are also known as ‘Tracheophyta’ (‘trachaea’ = vessels, a component of xylem, ‘phyta’= plants). The vascular systems in plants […]

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