mcq on selaginella

MCQ on Selaginella

Selaginella is a genus of spikemosses (Peteridophyte), small vascular plants resembling mosses. Known for their unique scale-like leaves and branching stems, Selaginella species thrive in various habitats, displaying heterosporous reproduction with distinct male and female spores for propagation and growth. This is an MCQ on Selaginella Plant Morphology, Anatomy, Reproduction […]

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pteridophytes mcq

MCQ on Pteridophytes

Pteridophytes are vascular plants that reproduce via spores, lacking seeds and flowers. They include ferns, horsetails, and club mosses, characterized by their unique vascular systems, fronds (leaves), and typically preferring moist environments for reproduction and growth. This Pteridophytes MCQ will help you to understand the life cycle and importance of […]

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Gymnosperm vs Pteridophytes

Difference between Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms

Pteridophytes vs Gymnosperms Pteridophytes Pteridophytes are a group of primitive land plants belongs to Cryptogams. They are the first plant group with vascular tissue for the conduction of water and food materials and hence they are called as Vascular Cryptogams. Gymnosperms Gymnosperms are a group of primitive seed-producing plants of […]

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Leptosporangium vs eusporangium Development

Difference between Leptosporangium and Eusporangium

Eusporangia vs Leptosporangia Sporangia are the specialized spore producing structures found in plants. In Pteridophytes, two types of sporangia are present. The two types of sporangia are (1) Eusporangium and (2) Leptosporangium. This classification is proposed by Goebel in 1881 based on the developmental pattern of sporangia. The spores produced […]

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