Phototropism vs Photoperiodism

Difference between Phototropism and Photoperiodism – Comparison Table

Phototropism vs Photoperiodism Difference between Phototropism and Photoperiodism: Phototropism: Phototropism is the growth or movement of plants (or any organism) in response to light. Phototropism can be of two different types – (1) Positive Phototropism – movement towards the source of light, (2) Negative phototropism – movement away from the […]

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Photoperidism vs Vernalization

Difference between Photoperiodism and Vernalization in Plants

Photoperiodism vs Vernalization Difference between Photoperiodism and Vernalization: The Photoperiodism is defined as the developmental responses of plants to the relative lengths of light and dark periods. It is a physiological reaction of plants to the length of day or night time. Plants sense the seasons by sensing the variations […]

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