classification of xylem

Difference between Protoxylem and Metaxylem

Vascular bundles (fascicles) are the component of the stelar system in higher plants and their main function is the conduction of water, minerals and food materials. Typically the vascular bundle composed of xylem and phloem arranged together as bundles. In a young stem, both in dicots and monocots, the xylem […]

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difference between fungi and algae

Similarities and Difference between Algae and Fungi

Algae vs Fungi Algae and fungi are thallophytic cryptogams of plant Kingdom. Both algae and fungi share many common characteristics and thus they are treated in the same division Thallophyta of Cryptogams according to Eichler’s Classification. Even though they are in same class, thallophyta, they also show some distinct differences particularly […]

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Difference between Algae and Bryophytes

Similarities and Difference between Bryophyte and Algae

Algae vs Bryophytes Bryophytes are the most primitive land plants. They are immediate between aquatic and terrestrial life. Even though bryophytes are well adapted for the land life they require the presence of water for the completion of their life cycle. Most of the evolutionary biologists believe that bryophytes were […]

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