Free Net Life Science Study Materials

CSIR NET Life Sciences June Model Questions with Answer (03)

(1). Which of the following does not contribute to protein diversity? a.       RNA editing b.      RNA splicing c.       RNA interference d.      Alternative initiation of translation (2). Enzymes act by: a.       Increasing the activation energy for a reaction b.      Lowering the activation energy for a reaction c.       Increasing the free energy […]

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mcq biology

MCQ on Fatty Acids

Biochemistry MCQ-10: Fatty acids are a type of lipid that are used as a building block for other lipids in the body. They consist of a long hydrocarbon chain with a carboxyl group at one end. The hydrocarbon chain can be either saturated (no double bonds) or unsaturated (one or […]

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easybiologyclass, biochemistry of plasma membrane

MCQ on Lipids

Biochemistry MCQ-09: Lipids are a broad class of biomolecules that are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents like ethanol, chloroform, and ether. They are an essential component of all living cells and play a variety of important roles in the body. Lipids can be obtained from the diet, […]

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