Intrinsic Pathway of Apoptosis (Apoptosis Molecular Mechanism Part 1)

Mitochondrial Apoptosis Signaling

Two Types of Apoptosis In the previous post, we have discussed the characteristic features and significance of programmed cell death or apoptosis. As we discussed, the stimuli for the execution of programmed cell death can be of internal or external to the apoptotic cell. Based on the source of stimuli, there are two types of … Read more

Apoptosis: The Molecular Mechanism of Programmed Cell Death (Short Notes)

Programmed Cell Death Short Notes

What is Apoptosis? Why apoptosis is known as the ‘Programmed Cell Death’? The total number of cells in an organ or organism is fundamentally fixed to a specific range in all multicellular organisms. In every multi-cellular organism, the cell number is effectively controlled by two strategies- (a) by regulating cell Division and (b) by regulating … Read more

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