water stomata notes

Hydathode: Structure and Functions

Hydathodes are specialized pores (openings) particularly present on the leaf margins, which exudes or secretes drops of water. The exudation of water as drops from the tip or margin of the leaves is called guttation. The process of guttation is facilitated by the hydathodes. They are also called as Water […]

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cell types in phloem

Phloem: Structure, Components and Classification

Phloem is a complex tissue system in plants. It is the food conducting tissue of vascular plants. Together with xylem, they form the vascular tissue system. The phloem composed of several types of cells among which some are living cells and some are dead. The term ‘phloem’ was introduced Nageli […]

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tyloses definition

Tyloses: Definition, Structure and Functions

What are Tyloses? Tyloses (singular – tylosis) are the balloon like outgrowth of parenchymatous cells to the lumen of tracheids or vessels of the secondary xylem. The axial and ray parenchyma of the xylem develops protrusion and these protrusions enter or invade into the lumen of tracheids or vessels through […]

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cell types in xylem

Xylem: Structure, Parts and Classification

The tissue associated with conduction of water, minerals and food materials in plants are called vascular tissue. Plants with a well-developed conductive system are thus called as ‘vascular plants’. Vascular plants are also known as ‘Tracheophyta’ (‘trachaea’ = vessels, a component of xylem, ‘phyta’= plants). The vascular systems in plants […]

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Stem Structure Anatomy

Anatomy of Dicot Stem: The Primary Structure

The present post discusses the Primary Structure of Dicot Stem studied under microscope. The anatomy of dicot stem is studied by a T.S. (transverse section) took through the internode of the stem. Primary Structure of Dicot Stem Ø  The components of cortex and stele are together known as Ground Tissue. […]

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