Cell, Molecular Biology and Evolution-October-2011

Fifth Semester
(Common for B.Sc. Botany Model I and Model II)

Time: Three Hours Maximum Weight: 25

Part A (Objective Type Questions)
Answer all questions
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of 1 (4 X 1 = 4)

I. 1 – 4. Fill in the blanks:

1. The short RNA sequences used as primers for lagging strand synthesis is ________.
2. The stage of prophase I meiosis where terminalization occurs is ________.
3. The rule that states A = T and G = C is _____________.
4. The proponent of theory of inheritance of acquired characters in evolution is ______.

II. 5 – 8. Multiple choice questions, Bunch- I:

5. The technique used to trace the double stranded DNA structure is:
     a. X-ray diffraction
     b. Spectroscopy
     c. Colorimetry
     d. ELISA

6. The cell organelle which shows extensive polymorphism is:
     a. Ribosomes
     b. Lysosome
     c. Chloroplast
     d. Dictyosome

7. Formation of bivalents during meiosis occurs at:
     a. Leptotene
     b. Diplotene
     c. Pachytene
     d. Zygotene

8. The smallest segment of genetic material affected by mutation is:
     a. Recon
     b. Cistron
     c. Muton
     d. Exon

III. 9 – 12. Multiple choice questions, Bunch- II:

9. The smallest unit of DNA capable of coding for the synthesis of a polypeptide is the:
     a. Operon
     b. Promoter
     c. Cistron
     d. Replication

10. Polyploidy can be induced with the help of:
     a. AA
     b. Gibberellins
     c. Colchicine
     d. Kinetin

11. Oncogene is responsible for the development of:
     a. Cancer
     b. Down syndrome
     c. Turner syndrome
     d. Klinefelter syndrome

12. The central dogma of the flow of genetic information is:
     a. DNA → RNA → Protein
     b. RNA → DNA → RNA → Protein
     c. mRNA → Amino acid → Polypeptide
     d. DNA → Ribosome → Protein

IV. 13 – 16. State True or False:

13. Reduction of chromosome number takes place during first meiotic division.
14. S phase of meiosis is pre DNA – synthesis phase.
15. Neo-Darwinism is a modified form of Darwinism.
16. Chromosome puffs in salivary gland chromosomes are sites of intense RNA Transcription.

Part B (Short answer questions)
Write short answers on any five of the following
Each question carries a weight of 1. (5 x 1 = 5)

17. What is gene therapy?
18. What are the functions of TSGs?
19. What are oncogenes?
20. Define Karyotype.
21. What is a unit membrane?
22. What are transcription factors?
23. What is gene regulation?
24. What is discontinuous variation?

Part C (Short essay/problem solving type)
Write Short Essays of the following, Answer any four questions,
Each question carries a weight of 2 (4 X 2 = 8)

25. Explain lamp-brush chromosome.
26. Explain the primary structure of nucleic acid.
27. Explain Chargaff’s rule
28. What is the role of polyploidy in evolution?
29. Explain cell cycle.
30. Explain aneuploidy.

Part D (Essay type)
Write essays of the following, Answer any two questions
Each question carries a weight of 4 (2 X 4 = 8)

31. Explain the molecular mechanism of mutation.
32. Describe the process of transcription in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
33. Briefly explain the theory of Darwinism.

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