Kerala PSC Botany Lecturer Recruitment Exam 2003: Original Solved Question Paper: Part 3/5

kpsc solved question paper

Kerala PSC Botany Lecturer / Assistant Professor Original Solved Question Paper: 2003 Exam
(Question Paper Code: 250/2003)

Original solved question paper of Kerala PSC Botany Lecturer/Assistant Professor examination conducted by Kerala PSC (Kerala Public Service Commission) for the recruitment / appointment of Botany Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Government Colleges of Kerala under the Directorate of Collegiate Education, Trivandrum, Kerala. The test was conducted in the year 2003 and the Question Paper Code Number is 250/2003. All questions were in MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) format. A detailed answer key with explanations is given at end of each set.

Part – 3/5 (Questions 41 – 60)

41.  Secateur is used for:

a.       Measuring soil moisture
b.      Measuring soil nutrients
c.       Removing hard soil blocks from the base
d.      Removing small branches of trees and bushes

42.  Paired pachytene chromosomes are called as

a.       Recombination nodule
b.      Bivalents
c.       Tetrad stage
d.      Recombination complex

43.  Carbohydrate bound to glycoprotein form a cell covering in Eukaryotes is known as

a.       Glycozine
b.      Secondary wall
c.       Exocarp
d.      Glycocalyx

44.  Delayed low energy emission due to return of particles from triplet state to ground state is the reason for

a.       Fluorescence
b.      Phosphorescence
c.       Internal conversion
d.      Resonance transfer

45.  A famous Indian Paleobotanist

a.       M.O.P. Iyengar
b.      S.R. kashyap
c.       Bribal Sahni
d.      J.C. Bose

46.  One of the following is a pair of sulphur containing amino acid:

a.       Methionine and cysteine
b.      Proline and alanine
c.       Leucine and lysine
d.      Serine and glycine

47.  Temperature responses on flowering and seed dormancy is:

a.       Thermochemical reaction
b.      Thermoperiodism
c.       Photoperiodism
d.      Vernalisation

48.  In isoelectric focusing protein bands separates at:

a.       Isotonic point
b.      Zitterionic point
c.       Sedimentation point
d.      Isoionic point

49.  Protocorm is a parenchymatous mass of cells with rhizoids and prophylls are formed in the life cycle of:

a.       Amorphophalus
b.       Isoetes
c.       Nephrolepis
d.       Lycopodium

50.  Stalked ovules are seen in

a.       Cycadales
b.       Cycadofilicales
c.       Bennettitales
d.       Coniferales

51.  Cybrids are produced by fusing:

a.       The protoplasm of two cells completely
b.      Cytoplasm of one cell with enucleated protoplast of another cell
c.       Cells of different origin
d.      Cytoplasm of two distantly related plants

52.  ‘Club moss’ is the common name for

a.       Equisetum
b.       Selaginella
c.       Lycopodium
d.       Adianthum

53.  The behavior of atomic nuclei in a magnetic field on absorbing energy from the electromagnetic spectrum produces:

a.       Nuclear magnetic resonance
b.      Electron spin resonance
c.       Atomic absorption resonance
d.      Ionization by energy absorption

54.  Tautomeric shift of DNA bases is due to:

a.       Physical activation
b.      Non-ionizing radiation
c.       Chemical modification
d.      Ionizing radiation

55.  Magnoliophyta is the term used for angiosperm by:

a.       C.E. Bessey
b.      Hutchinson
c.       Takhtajan
d.      Dahlgren

56.  Leaf rolling during hot days in grass is by:

a.       Epidermal cells
b.      Motor cells
c.       Conducting cells
d.      Thick walled cells of the leaf

57.  An essential micro nutrient pair:

a.       Iron-sulphur
b.      Boron Molybdenum
c.       Potassium-Calcium
d.      Magnesium-chloride

58.  An enzyme responsible for terminating electron transport chain during respiration is:

a.       NAD oxidase
b.      Oxido Reductase
c.       Cytochrome oxidase
d.      NAD oxido reductase

59.  The smallest independent living entities known as:

a.       Bacteriophage virus
b.      Pseudomonas syringae
c.       Mycoplasma like organism
d.      Pleuro pneumonia like organism

60.  Which of the following is a heterosporous pteridophyte?

a.       Lycopodium
b.       Isoetes
c.       Equisetum
d.       Nephrolepis

Kerala PSC Botany Lecture Exam 2003 Question Paper
Part – 1/5   |   Part – 2/5   |   Part – 3/5   |   Part – 4/5   |   Part – 5/5  |

Answer Key (Kerala PSC Botany Lecturer Exam 2003) Part 3/5

The answer key is prepared with best of my knowledge and all of them may not be correct. If you find any mistakes in my decision, you should point it out and it will be appreciated. Contact: Admin

41.  Ans. (d) Removing small branches of trees and bushes

42.  Ans. (c). Tetrad stage

43.  Ans. (d). Glycocalyx

44.  Ans. (b). Phosphorescence

45.  Ans. (c). Birbal Sahni

46.  Ans. (a). Methionine and cysteine

47.  Ans. (b). Thermoperiodism

48.  Ans. (b). Zitterionic point

49.  Ans. (d). Lycopodium

50.  Ans. (c). Bennettitales

51.  Ans. (b). Cytoplasm of one cell with enucleated protoplast of another cell

52.  Ans. (c). Lycopodium

53.  Ans. (a). Nuclear magnetic resonance

54.  Ans. (c). Chemical Modification

55.  Ans. (c). Takhtajan

56.  Ans. (b). Motor cells

57.  Ans. (b). Boron – Molybdenum

58.  Ans. (c). Cytochrome oxidase

59.  Ans. (d). Pleuro pneumonia like organism

60.  Ans. (b). Isoetes

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