Difference between Parenchyma and Collenchyma

Parenchyma vs Collenchyma

Parenchyma and Collenchyma are the Simple tissue System in Plants. The present post describes the similarities and differences between Parenchyma and Collenchyma

Similarities between Parenchyma and Collenchyma

Ø  Both parenchyma and collenchyma are simple permanent tissues in the plants.

Ø  Both are differentiated cells.

Ø  Both are living cells with primary cell wall.

Ø  Both cells possess cytoplasm and cell organelles including the nucleus.

Ø  Both are the components of ground tissue system in plants.

Ø  Both cells can do photosynthesis if chloroplasts are present in them.

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Ø  Both can store food materials as starch grains.

Ø  Pits are absent in the cell wall of both parenchyma and collenchyma.

Ø  Plasmodesmatal connections between cells occur in both cells.

Parenchyma and Collenchyma

Parenchyma and Collenchyma

Sl. No.ParenchymaCollenchyma
1Cells with thin cell wall.Cell wall is thick.
2Cell wall made up of cellulose.Cell wall made of cellulose and pectin.
3Deposition of cellulose is even in the cell wall.Deposition of cellulose and pectin is uneven in the cell wall. Wall thickening is more in the corners of the cells.
4Cells are usually loosely arranged with intercellular spaces.Cells are usually closely packed without intercellular spaces.
5Parenchyma is present in all parts of the plant body.Usually present below the epidermis of the plant as hypodermis.
6Secondary thickening absent.Secondary thickening present.
7Cells usually isodiametric to circular in shape.Cells usually polygonal in shape.
8Cells can store waste products, tannins, gums, resins etc.Usually cells do not store any waste products or ergastic substances.
9Can provide mechanical support only when the cells are fully turgid.Can provide mechanical support even in the flaccid condition due to the thick cell wall.
10Present in both in the primary and secondary structures of the plants.Usually present only in the primary structures of the plants.
11Present in both xylem and phloem as one component.Collenchyma is not found in xylem and phloem.
12Parenchymatous cells undergo several modifications such as chlorenchyma, aerenchyma, palisade, spongy etc..Collenchymatous cells do not show such modifications.
13Cells can be dedifferentiated into meristematic cells (example: formation of vascular cambium and phellogen during secondary growth).The ability of dedifferentiation is literally absent in collenchyma.
14Functions of Parenchyma:
(a). Store water
(b). Store food materials (starch)
(c). Chlorenchyma can assist in photosynthesis
(d). Aerenchyma can provide buoyancy
(e). Store ergastic substances
(f). Can provide meristematic tissue
Functions of Collenchyma:
(a). Provide mechanical support
(b). Provide flexibility to petiole, leaves etc.
(c). Facilitate bending of the plant organ without breaking
(d). Collenchyma can also store food materials
(e). Can perform photosynthesis if chlorophyll is present
characteristics of parenchymastructure of collenchyma

tissue system in plants

TS of a Dicot Stem showing Collenchymatous Hypodermis and Parenchymatous Cortex

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