mcq on ogive

What is Ogive? (MCQ Questions and Answers)

Ogives are useful tools for visualizing cumulative frequencies and trends in numerical datasets. They can provide insights into the distribution and characteristics of data and aid in making data-driven decisions. With this MCQ you can understand what is ogive and what are the application and uses of Ogive (cumulative frequency […]

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mcq on statisti and parameter

Statistic vs Parameter (MCQ Questions)

MCQ on Statistic vs Parameter. Statistics are numerical summaries derived from a sample of data, providing insights into trends and patterns. Parameters are numerical values that describe a characteristic of an entire population. Statistics help estimate parameters and make inferences about populations based on the observed sample information. You may […]

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mcq on anova

MCQ on ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)

ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) is a statistical technique that assesses the variance between multiple groups to determine if there are significant differences in their means. It helps in comparing means beyond two groups, identifying patterns, and assessing the impact of various factors in an experiment. Use this MCQ on ANOVA […]

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mcq on z test

MCQ on z Test and its Applications

A Z-test is a statistical method used to determine whether a sample mean significantly differs from a known population mean. It assesses standard deviations, sample size, and the difference between means to determine the statistical significance of the result. With this MCQ on Z Test, you can understand the basic […]

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mcq on sampling

MCQ on Statistical Sample and Sampling Methods

Sampling is the process of selecting a subset of individuals or items from a larger population for research or analysis. Sampling methods, such as random, stratified, or convenience sampling, determine how this subset is chosen, aiming to represent the population accurately for meaningful insights.  With this MCQ on Sampling you […]

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